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Tony, Member Spotlight

Tony suffers from accute kleptomania, which was discovered at a young age when Tony stole all of the hair genes from Vinny. Tony is secretly one of the Final Five, and is also a master Lego builder. Damn you Tinnitus!

Erick, Recruitment Officer

Erick is another redhead, but not as horribly afflicted as Greg is. His many skills include waking up in the morning, going to bed at night, and inhaling a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, trace amounts of carbon dioxide and argon and exhaling nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.


WARNING: Beer bottles go into the recycling bin. Failure to comply may result in anal penetration.

Colt, PvP Team Leader

Colt lives to pwn. His specialty is the utter destruction of Rolling Rock, but he has been known to delve into whiskeys and bourbons as well. Colt is extremely efficient at cooking frozen pizza and eating nacho cheese and chips while blackout drunk.

Vinny, PvE Team Leader

Vinny is allergic to motor vehicles, riding his bike like Lance Armstrong. In fact, they are similar in every way. Well, except for the Tour victories, the doping, the testicles, the cancer, the yellow bands, and the sponsorships. Actually Lance also has more hair, even during the chemo. Ironically Vinny does not realize yet that he is balding, so whatever you do don't tell him.

Greg, Guild Leader

Besides being our guild leader, Greg is also a soulless redhead. Afflicted with gingervitis since birth he has overcome his handicap and is our Fearless Leader. His favorite game is Just the Tip, and in his younger years he starred in a local production of bareback mountain, which he will gladly perform for anyone who asks.

Meet the Guild

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